Thursday, April 19, 2012


Chris Brogan's book Social Media 101 talks a little bit about commenting. There are many great blogs but the authors of these blogs shouldn't let the lack of comments deter them from their writings. This being because most readers don't comment. This may be due to a time restriction or because they simply have nothing to add. Think about it like school, most students when attending class just don't voluntarily raise their hand to make a comment during class. That doesn't mean their not listening or that they are not interested. There will be people who do comment, but the majority of readers will not do so.

Readers may also be bookmarking the blog for them to come back to and make it easy for them to follow the blog. Additionally, readers may be "liking" or tagging the blog on additional social networking sites thus increasing the blogs popularity.
Here is a brief youtube overview of Chris Brogan's book Social Media 101.

In the spirit of commenting I thought I'd take a little time out of my day and comment on a few of my classmates blogs.

1. Chris Summers - Blog Post 6: Quick Class Evaluation
2. Mary Swick
3. Doug Trein

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